Respiratory diseases kill.
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic 1.5 million people, including 700,000 children, died annually of pneumonia worldwide; over 4,000 every day. It is the fourth most common cause of death. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) additionally kills 3 million people worldwide annually and is relentlessly increasing.
In 2019, among 28 EU member states, costs of €380 billion were attributable to the care of patients with chronic respiratory diseases.
All these people need access to safe, reliable and effective treatment for critical respiratory illness. Increasing understanding of COVID-19 pneumonia has shown that non-invasive forms of ventilatory support, which do not require patients to be anaesthetised and intubated, are preferable and advantageous for many patients.
Exovent is a charity led by a team of eminent Anaesthetists, Critical Care Doctors, Paediatricians, Surgeons, Critical Care Nurses, Senior Engineers and Commercial Professionals. We believe that Continuous Negative Extrathoracic Pressure (CNEP), and Negative Pressure Ventilation (NPV) are valuable methods of breathing support for the treatment of acute pneumonia, including COVID-19, and chronic pulmonary disease of many types.
Find out more about the use of negative pressure for ventilation and how the Exovent team are championing this therapy below.
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Exovent Charity receives recognition from The Institute of Mechanical Engineers
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What are CNEP and NPV ?
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SUPPORT US: As we support the development of products around the world that use negative pressure ventilation, we too need support. The charity continues to build a support network, and we welcome all enquiries and offers of support.