The University Hospital Southampton Team

The Exovent team were extremely fortunate to be able to link up with the highly respected Critical Care team of the University Hospital Southampton in May 2020. They have already received our first Exovent device and we are working together on submission of details for regulation, grant applications, clinical trial protocols, a systematic review and assisting our international connections.

The team is headed by: Professor Michael Grocott, BSc MBBS MD FRCA FRCP FFICM.

Mike is the Professor of Anaesthesia and Critical Care at the University of Southampton and a Consultant in Critical Care Medicine at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust.  He is an NIHR Senior Investigator (2018-2022) and the NIHR CRN National Specialty Lead for Anaesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain (2015-2020). He leads the Acute-Critical-&-Perioperative-Care (ACPC) group within the Southampton NIHR Biomedical Research Centre and is Head of the Integrative Physiology and Critical Illness Group within the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Southampton.

A list of Mike’s work and awards plus those of his wife, Professor Denny Levett MA, BMBCh, MRCP, FRCA, PhD, FFICM, who is also a consultant in Critical Care Medicine and Perioperative Medicine on the same unit at Southampton, would fill our website. Instead let’s introduce the rest of the team from the University Hospital Southampton,

Dr Andrew Cumpstey BMBCh MA MRCP FRCA DiMM NIHR BRC Clinical Research Fellow and Specialty Trainee (Anaesthetics) University Hospital Southampton, is the lead on the Exovent project in conjunction with Dr John Pappachan, MA MB BChir FRCA FFICM,  Consultant in Paediatric Intensive Care and Honorary Associate Professor at the Southampton Children’s Hospital and University of Southampton. Amongst other things, John will be crucial to the development of our paediatric device working with Dr Malcolm Coulthard and Dr Heather Lambert from the original Exovent group.

Dr Rebecca Egglestone, SpR on the Intensive Care Unit, is assisting Andy and John and is currently collating the systematic review.

The important nursing aspects of the Exovent project will be done with Kay Mitchell, BSc, MSc, associate director for oAR and academic career development lead for NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research. Kay is a very experienced senior Nurse and researcher in Critical Care. Kay also works closely with the Critical Care Research Area and Centre for Human Integrative Physiology Southampton (CHIPS) to support a portfolio of research studies in critical care and perioperative medicine. Peter Worsley is also assisting the team with development of the important mattress for Exovent.

About Michael Rose information

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