Exovent – Espresso shot to Moon Shot

“I launched into Exovent a year ago this week. The dystopian potential of worst-case COVID had been recognised. Industry had been called on to wage a new ‘Battle of Britain’ by building ventilators. Big industry started a big, and ultimately …

HRH learns about exovent

We were very proud to see HRH the Princess Royal learning all about the exovent ventilator on a recent visit to Marshall Aerospace and Defence in Cambridge.
More information about the visit can be found here.

Gentle persuasion is better than force

From childhood I’ve always had a fascination with Aesop’s Fables, a blueprint for life and how to live it well. We are all familiar with the many fables and one of my favourites that I remember being told as a …

“Lockdown” is not a new experience for me.

Exovent development old technology

I was born in Birmingham in 1947, the first year of the major UK polio epidemic, which continued in the UK until the late 1950s. “Lockdown” is not a new experience for me.

In the first half of the 20th …

Qatari Radio interview with exovent

Exovent development old technology

The discussion on BBC Radio with the Qatari team can be found here.

Translation into English is below:-

Could you give us an idea how this respirator works? We are trying to build a machine that supports the respiratory system …